Samstag, 7. November 2015

WoW Legion - Make It Singleplayer

I've quit playing WoW back in Cataclysm and I've never looked back. Then Claire mentioned something weird today, saying something like, "I think they're trying to make WoW a little more like Diablo." Apparently, there will be random group dungeons with random powerful drops as an alternative to raids or something. A little bit like rifts in Diablo. I'm paraphrasing here and I haven't actually looked into this feature, because fuck WoW and fuck more group content. But tell you what - if WoW really were to become more like Diablo and I could actually solo randomized content for increasingly powerful gear like in a Diablo-style rift, I'd play the shit out of it. I'd not just resub - I'd pay twice the subscription fee if I had to.

Now, if you're about to ask me why I would even want solo content on an MMORPG - GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A RAKE! When you're done with that, go do some research on the massive new story expansion for SWTOR. And the reviews for that shit. The whole thing is completely solo, people are coming back like crazy to play it and everybody fucking loves it. Yes, they're subscribing to an MMORPG to fucking solo, so quit telling me that solo content is unimportant to the genre, you fucks!

I, like a ton of other (former) WoW players, joined the whole thing on launch day, over a decade ago. I've seen my fair share of raids, heroic dungeons, guild drama, you name it. And, also like pretty much everybody who started back then, I'm done with that sort of thing, but I'm not done with games. What used to be school is now a job and a family. I can't get up in the middle of the night to replace the raid tank who couldn't make it. I don't want WoW or any other game to be my second job. And maybe reading a bunch of crap about Chuck Norris or people putting the word "anal" in front of random ability names in trade channel isn't as funny to me now as it was when that shit was still new. And yes, maybe I'm a bit tired of all the best content, the happy endings and the most amazing items being offered exclusively to those five per cent or so self-congratulatory fucks, who jerk each other off over mythical boss kills and world firsts and shit they've achieved, because they're willing to give up on a huge portion of their real lives to fine-tune their shit and study youtube bosskill videos and shit.

Why not have soloable dungeons with powerful, Diablo-style item drops? That shit can be challenging, I don't mind at all. But why is being a single player so completely fucking worthless? Why can you only get the good shit if you bring 24 friends for everything? Why doesn't individual skill matter at all? Oh yay, I can level up solo, dick around in a garrison or play fucking Pokémon, isn't that great? Let me play a dungeon solo or with just one or two friends and change difficulty and droprate dynamically, like on Diablo, but allow me to get my gear that way, without forcing me into guilds, LFR, group finder, shit with random people. Nobody wants to suffer bots and AFKers in battlegrounds and people only put up with that shit, because they want the gear. Why do you think the cunts at Honorbuddy sell their stupid bot like crazy in the first place? Because people hate to grind for their shit, they hate to play with random people against their will, so they're actually paying real money to have a program do it for them.

WoW subscriptions are at a new low of, I dunno, 5.5 million players or so? That's still a great number, but Blizzard recently announced they'd no longer inform the public about player count. Yeah, that's a big fucking sign of confidence right there. So why not go all the way with the whole Diablo thing? Blizzard are already going out of their way to appeal to the most casual gamers on the planet. I have friends playing WoW, who are so bad at video games, you could put a guy with no arms or legs in a wheelchair in front of a computer, have them try to control the game with their minds and they'd instantly be more successful than my friends. Yet they don't ever stop playing WoW, because it has fucking pandas and pet battles and fool-proof skill trees and gear that changes its stats for you, so you don't have to think. Why not take it one step further and finally stop forcing people to fucking group up?

Okay, sure, it's an MMO, so why would I even want to be able to solo shit? Because sometimes I just want to be successful on my own. Because I don't want to constantly depend on others with every tiny thing that matters on there. Because I'd still have the choice. I can run into friends and team up with them naturally, without a multiplayer staging lobby, if I wanted to. I could still see other players, look at their gear and achievements, I'd still have a living, breathing virtual world. Doesn't mean I wanna depend on all of those fuckers 24/7. I'm surrounded by people in real life, doesn't mean I wanna make friends with all of them and group up when I go to work or shop for groceries. I don't need somebody to hold my hand when I take shit. Allow me to take a shit on my own, Blizzard.

Give people their stupid world first achievments, titles and mounts for raids. Give em exclusive cosmetic gear. You know what game does that? Warframe. Warframe has raid versions of bosses, which rewards players with some cosmetic goodies you can't get any other way. But you can fight easier versions of these bosses alone or with up to three friends. You don't miss out on any super powerful stuff if you don't want to raid. Nobody gets excluded. You can become just as powerful as a solo player as you could be as part of a huge, successful raid guild. It's harder that way - and it should be - but it's entirely possible. You don't get the nice titles, cosmetic doodads and trophies that the big guilds get, but you get the same story, cutscenes, items, everything. You're not getting treated like a second class player.

I know SWTOR isn't entirely like that, but it doesn't have to be. I'm gonna resub to SWTOR, I'll play their story expansion and then I'll take a break until more solo story stuff gets released, because I don't wanna grind dungeon tokens on there. But they're gonna get my money, because they cater to me as a solo player. Perhaps it's time for Blizzard to give that a try? Even if it means pissing off the raid community? Fuck those guys. They never were the biggest part of your player base, so perhaps it's time to stop sucking their dicks.


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