Mittwoch, 6. August 2014

One More Crimson Dragon

Okay, one last quick update on the game, then I'll spare you with it. I've almost completed the whole thing now and unlocked the chaos version of my favourite dragon, which was immensely fun. That said, it's starting to feel more and more like the game was maybe 50% done and then they just pushed it out to have an XBone launch title.

Crimson Dragon is supposed to play on a planet called Draco, because wow, how utterly inventive. But said planet apparently only consists of a lake with a cave underneath, a forest and some abandoned high tech city and that's it. Some planet! Sure, that's still more variety than Hoth, Endor, Tattooine, Dagobah, but... come on! The city levels start off in a desert landscape, which suggests that there were actual desert levels planned for this game at some point. In fact, the description for one of the dragons claims that it is native to Draco's desert.

When the story takes you into that abandoned city, a cutscene claims you're being sent away, because you've stumbled across some super secret conspiracy or something. Except, when you go back to the mission selection, it takes you right back to the city, so whatever story arc they had intended to put in there to take you back out of the city only appears in the narrative, but is never actually played out ingame. The fact that two of the "different locations" in the game are essentially the same but at different times of day suggests that there might have been various day/night time versions of other areas in the making, as well.

Apparently, the game's original soundtrack also happens to contain a few tunes, which are nowhere to be found within the game itself. So, um - why would they need more bgm tracks than actual levels in the game, unless they had originally planned to make the game bigger than it is today?

It's sad. It feels like I'm playing an alpha version that shows off the basic elements and features, but at least another half of the game is yet to come. Instead, I only have three more missions ahead of me. There's always multiplayer if I want to show off my beefy dragon to random strangers and I can always power up and evolve some of the other dragons, but I'm not a huge fan of repeating content over and over again. I know I said I don't mind the RPG-style grind, but that usually happens with some greater goal or higher level content in mind, which you'll access after the grind is done. Of course there are also achievements, but anyone who considers those actual content is an idiot, who only contributes to the content shortage within many modern games.


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