Samstag, 23. August 2014


I can't blame anybody for assuming I'm fishing for stuff when I write about how I'd probably play certain games if my financial situation allowed me to do so. Honestly, though, what I was trying to say in my last entry is that I find Borderlands 2 so good, I'd probably buy it. And the only reason that I haven't done so already is the fact that I just don't have enough on the side to do so right there and now. Nothing more. We've all been there, right? You kinda want something, but it's just not reasonable to spend money on it, because you might need it for something more important, so you decide to wait a little while longer.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is because five minutes after my last post went online, we had the GOTY-version gifted to us on Steam. Both of us, Claire and my grumpy self. We're super happy and we're really enjoying the game (put another 8 hours of play time in there last night), but honest to Godzilla, we're doin' okay, we're paying all the bills, everything is fine. And to our dear donor, we'll make up for it and gift you a copy of Colonosopy Simulator 2014 or something next week.

As you might recall, my first impression of Borderlands 2 was pretty good, but I wasn't entirely sold on it just yet. Several things have changed since then. First of all, I have learned about Shift-Codes.

And I may or may not have overdone it a bit with their use.
On top of skins, heads and other such goodies, these codes provide golden keys, which basically can be turned into epic gear. And epic guns kill shit faster, which fixed my "all my guns are too weak" issue. I've also bumped into this fine gentleman:

That guy's name is Loggins, he shouts something at you about being in the dangerzone, then sends you to the Goose's Roost to burn down a net and stop three shirtless dudes from playing slow-motion volleyball. And frankly, if you don't get these references, then I want you the fuck out of my blog until you've educated yourself, you worthless barbarian.

Claire and I have built a truck and used it to chase down random raiders in their vehicles to ram them to pieces and shoot giant sawblades at them. Co-op car chases. With sawblades. Lots of explosions. Look, we're easily entertained, which is why we've spent hundreds of hours playing Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and Warframe together, but this is easily the most fun we've had in a multiplayer game since getting high, naked and beating up a bunch of assholes with giant purple dildos.

And you thought I was only joking, you silly fool!

The game still feels pretty tough and unforgiving in places, which is probably because we haven't played it to death, yet, and we're really only two players. But the story is pretty decent so far, the characters are all incredibly fun and it's difficult not to like folks like Handsome Jack or Ellie the Belly. Not so sure about Tiny Tina, but she might still win me over once we get to her campaign. We're only 13 levels in and there is this seemingly endless amount of content to go through, so this one should keep us busy for a while.

Vehicles make everything better.
Connectivity issues are still a massive pain in the ass. I have found a workaround, which might help us play together via LAN, so here's hoping I can get that to run. It just seems stupid having to reconnect to Claire's game every ten minutes, even though we're sharing the same stupid connection.


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