Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2013

Neverwinter: Endgame time!

FINALLY! I was about ready to plough on through to level 60 on Monday, but work came first. Then I got invited to a podcast the same night, so no gaming there, either. Tuesday? FFA open beta, servers dead, couldn't get in, then lag was so bad, it wasn't playable. Today? Broken quests, dungeons I could not enter, server dying in the middle of a boss battle, all queues for dungeons, skirmishes and pvp disabled, foundry disabled... THE PAIN!!

Now I'm finally level 60 and unlocked the cheesiest reward yet: The 'Epic Hero' title. Funny, but I think I'll pass. From here on out, it's pretty much the same thing you get in every MMO: Farm tokens for endgame gear, split up into two tiers thus far. This happens either through pvp or so-called epic dungeons, which are extra difficult versions of all the dungeons in the game. Sadly, as the queue system is currently disabled and I cannot sign up for any of this content, I can't really tell how fun this stuff actually is.

But I'm very positive about the whole thing. I feel confident with my character, I have tanked most of the dungeons on non-heroic mode and so far, I haven't heard any complaints. What's more, I'm actually having fun tanking! I didn't enjoy doing so on WoW, at least outside of the guild, because people are too whiny. They complain when you pull too fast or too much, they complain when you don't pull enough. They complain when you give the healer time to regenerate mana, they complain when you don't wait. On top of all the drama that goes with leading a bunch of morons through dungeons, a tanky playstyle usually isn't very fun. On Neverwinter, I get to charge from one baddie to another like a maniac, beat them all the way across the dungeon, send them flying and make them my bitch.

Is that gonna be enough to make epic dungeons enjoyable? Fuck if I know. Depending on how difficult they turn out to be, random groups might not be able to tackle them at all. The whole thing might be a huge faceroll if they're too easy. Can I actually obtain all the gear I want at a humane pace or will it take months to get all the good stuff? I really don't know what to expect and right now, all I can do is wait for queues to be fixed. Well or wait for the guild to catch up with me level-wise, but right now I'm not sure if they're really all that keen on staying on there. We'll see.
Another problem I'm facing right now is this: What else is there? The foundry is scaled hideously towards level 60 players right now, fighting boss baddies takes forever and makes user generated content somewhat tedious. Sure, they have to keep things interesting for when you're fully geared up and all, but seeing my most powerful attacks shave off about a pixel of some random pirate captain's health bar isn't very fun. And I have very little desire to roll another toon, simply because the story is 100% linear. No different starting areas, no branching storyline, it's all gonna be exactly the same, the odd foundry quest aside.
For now, I'll wait and check out the epic difficulty dungeons and see how I get on. I'm not too sure about this game's longevity right now.

By the way - I've done a lowbie dungeon-duo with the Bear. I'm converting the video right now, I'll put it on my channel over night and post it here tomorrow.


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