Samstag, 20. April 2013

Horny crossdressing MMO teenagers

Five days till Neverwinter headstart and everyone is positively excited now. Positively excited? Do people really say that? Am I using it right? As opposed to what, negatively excited? I'm confused. Ahem, anyway...
The game isn't even ready to play and I'm already facing a bit of a dilemma regarding my main character. I know I'm gonna play a tiefling. I know my tiefling is gonna be a guardian fighter. And originally, I really wanted my tiefling to be male. Goes better with my grumpy personality, the fact he's a tank, integrated voice chat, yada yada yada. But the tiefling guys look a bit so-so and the female ones... damn! Hot damn! Dat ass!

I haven't seriously "mained" a female toon in an MMO since early WoW, where my friends and family forced me to play Alliance. I was hoping to play a male Tauren, which wasn't really an option on Alliance side and all their male characters looked awful. Male humans with pre-cata haircuts? Or male night elves, the missing link between human and ape? ARGH! So I did what everyone did and rolled a female night elf. Eventually, she got turned into a male Worgen, because now that everyone is playing chicks in every fucking MMO, I'm starting to get somewhat annoyed with them.
Seriously, have a look at Guild Wars 2. Whenever large groups of people gather for mega bosses and other popular events, at least 50% of the characters are female humans (and norns) dressed up like... I'd say hookers, but even those have a little more self respect than that. And the sluttiest of them usually come with names containing sweet, angel, petite or something pseudo-Japanese and of course Kira and Amy. Brrrr! Look, I enjoy staring at exposed tits and asses as much as the next guy, but being surrounded by horny 15 year olds who live out their wanking fantasies is one of the reasons I don't play MMOs much anymore today.

And if I roll a sexy tiefling girl, I'm gonna be one of those guys. But, judging by what beta footage I have sighted so far, tiefling guys are so meh and tiefling girls are so rawrrrr... though I'll admit I'm a little alarmed at how attracted I seem to be to girls with tails. o_O
I'll start rolling a guy, see if I can get myself to like playing him and if all else fails... what the hell, it's gonna be a lady. On a funny side note, one of my female guild mates is gonna roll a male dwarven fighter as her first character. Ha!

Speaking of guild members: Originally, nobody even followed Neverwinter much, but when I got my surprise founders' pack, I started talking about the game some more and now everybody is gonna check it out with me. Well, five days after me, to be precise, but that only makes things more exciting. I'm going for the tanky class, Claire is gonna be a cleric, so we've got the most important stuff covered and the rest of the guild can go hurrdurr DPS. And if previous MMOs are anything to go by, then Claire and I should be able to duo most group content, since good tanks and healers can make damage dealers somewhat optional. I can't wait!

Also, reptiles: We had Hugo Bosc with us today when we went outside and people freaked the hell out. IT WAS AWESOME! Everyone stopped and stared. The elderly lady next door was really brave and ended up stroking him. She was seriously scared at first, afraid he might bite her or lash out at her, but after a while she got really confident and pettet him like a little kitten.
He's about a year old now and growing fucking HUGE! He's easily 2ft long by now (we're guessing around 70cm) and he'll be twice that big in the not so distant future. And he's getting really tame!
He still has his grumpy days, biting the cats and bits of clothing and hissing and struggling when he's had enough. But he's not aggressive, he won't come after you for no reason and, given the choice, he'll always go into hiding rather than coming out to bite. Considering how scared, shy and wild he was, he's made some huge progress. Claire has done a kickass job with him. I'd like to take some of the credit here, but it mostly her. She's incredibly fearless with all snakes and lizards. I take him out, carry him around and everything, but she's the one who really has him under control, calms him down when he struggles and freaks out and steps in when he goes nuts. Most people would get scared shitless.


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