Montag, 14. November 2011

Skyrim: Dear King Conan (***SPOILERS***)

I have received your letter containing the little frowny face. I am aware that the Tarantia commons district is ablaze and the nobles want their houses cleaned of any roaming demons and raiders. I am deeply ashamed to let you down in this hour of need, but my duties in Skyrim will keep me busy until further notice.

I know I said I was only going to help the people of Skyrim with their dragon problem, but now that I have established my place as Harbinger among the Companions of Whiterun, I am to cure my fellow shieldsiblings of their lycanthropy and I, myself, have to make a very important decision: Do I really want to stop being a werewolf or do I give in to the call of Hircine and spend my afterlife hunting among his divine pack? What would you do, my king?

Having spent many a month in your service as a conqueror, I am still comfortable donning the heaviest suits of armor and slaying my foes with sword and axe in hand. But word has it, that the most skilled fighters of Skyrim can move around in their armor as though it weighed nothing, allowing them to take out their victims with stealth and precision. And I have only scraped the very surface of magic, enchanting wild beasts and enemies alike to fight by my side and raising the dead to do my bidding. I am also becoming quite the marksman, taking out foes with a bow and arrow from great distance, without them ever knowing what hit them. Back in Hyboria, I never would have thought of specializing in so many forms of combat and magic!

Tamriel welcomes me as a returning veteran. The bards play melodies, which I have enjoyed back in my days where I explored Morrowind and even Daggerfall, nodding at me with a knowing smile. "This one is just for you", they say, knowing that I know, knowing I would recognize the origin of these tunes, which might just be nice and utterly meaningless to the vast majority of younger adventurers. But I have always been there and this is my reward.

You must forgive me, my king, when I'm in love with the cold, harsh, snowy mountains of Skyrim, as they remind me of both your and my homeland Cimmeria in so many ways. Of course nothing will ever rival the beauty of Conall's Valley, but Skyrim is beautiful in its own ways and full of adventure! I have lost count of all the caverns, villages, fortresses and dungeons I have encountered, each and every one of them full of monsters, bandits, traps, treasures and people in need. It seems like I can spend a hundred hours and more, helping all of them, solving all the quests and problems, and still I won't run out of things to do.

Seeing that I will be busy around here for quite some time, I have purchased a lovely little home in Whiterun, where my caring wife Shahvee is cooking my meals and watching over my treasures and trophies. Yes, my king, I have married! The people of Tamriel openly celebrate their love and get wed regardless of age, race and gender. Alas, it seems that there are no interested Khajiit in all the land, but an Argonian will do. You know what they say about their spear polishing skills.

I'll admit the people around here are not perfect. Most of them seem utterly stupid and it is perfectly valid to put a bucket on people's heads to get away with stealing. This is also a widely-accepted method of stealth practice. Sometimes the people of Skyrim will sit on thin air as though they owned invisible furniture, they have conversations through ceilings and Lydia, my battle companion, is hell-bent on getting me killed by setting off every single trap, which I so skillfully dodge and evade. In Hyboria, we would call them dumber than shit. And rightfully so.

But seeing as they can teach me so many new skills, offer me so much to do, so many great adventures and such opportunity to gain fame and fortune beyond measure, I find it easy to forgive their little weaknesses and shortcomings.
I am afraid I have to delay my return even further, but rest assured that my adventures will come to an end sooner rather than later. Because that's how it goes in Tamriel. Once you are done, you are done. And then I'll be fighting for glory again on the many battlefields of Hyboria, earn new ranks and skills and the right to wear powerful new armor.

I have to go now. Class is starting in the College of Mages and I don't want to be late.

Kind regards,

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