Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

Everquest 2 - Funny Faces & Fighting Raptors

Ugh! It's another fucking Everquest blog!
Yeah, yeah... it's that time again.
I'm fully aware that I'm talking about some MMO you've been ignoring for over a decade and nothing is gonna change that. So I'm not gonna talk about how Everquest 2 is oh so fucking great and you should totally try it, because I'd be lying to most of you.

Instead, here's just a little quickie about two unique little features I really enjoy about this game. Perhaps stuff like that exists in other MMORPGs as well, but I'm not aware of it. First of all, I can now make my characters pull some incredibly stupid faces.

While SOEmote has been hyped as a cool new feature for the (eventually, maybe, one far away day) upcoming Everquest Next, it has already been implemented into Everquest 2 for a while and it's glorious. The game recognizes your facial expression and transfers it onto your character. It's not perfect, it works better on some faces than others and Claire's character looks like Daenerys Targaryen before her first cup of coffee, but it's an amazing little toy, which equally fascinates and entertains me.

There's almost a faint Disney-Pixar kind of flair going on here. If nothing else, you can truly act "in character" now.

Another fun thing is mounted combat. Look, it's not exactly the greatest thing since tits and the animations look kinda goofy on older mounts. If nothing else, it's nice and convenient how you can fight shit without having to dismount. And you can make the mount temporarily "disappear" in combat if you don't like fighting on horseback. But there's nothing quite like attacking something whilst riding a raptor, only to watch the dino join the fight and pounce on your enemy. In fact, many mounts have combat stats on them and provide all kinds of passive DPS bonuses, so mounted combat is a good thing and can look pretty good, too. Look at the raptor in this little video:

I think that's pretty neat.


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