None of that stuff is making us rich, but ya gotta start somewhere. WE ARE BERSERKERKITTEN! RAWR! :P
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We also dare to be ugly and stupid. |
Still enjoying Black Ops 2, too. Starting to get the hang of it. Which, unfortunately, comes with the added bonus of being accused of "hacking". I hate how cheaters on CoD are generally referred to as hackers. What a load of shit! People using wallhacks and aimbots are cheating scumbags, who depend on 3rd party tools to score their kills, but the only hackers are the Russian guys who create and sell (!) these tools in the first place.
I had much better matches than this one.
The one thing that ruins the fun right now is everyone's paranoia about the so-called "lag compensation", which is supposed to even out the ping ratios between players with varying connection quality. People describe a weird phenomenon where they run around a corner, spot an enemy, shoot and die the same second. And on the kill cam it supposedly looks like they ran straight towards the enemy player for at least a whole second and the other guy shoots first. I have seen youtube videos of people trying to prove the whole thing, but the difference between live action and killcam is minute to non-existent.
But many players insist that this is not just a techno-placebo and actively ruins their fun. I don't know about this, I think it's being massively overblown and I could only care less, if people would stop whining about it. That's the problem with competitive games and the people who play it. If you beat them, it's because you cheat, because you're a [insert weapon here] noob, because they were typing or some other shit, but it's never because you're the better player. Right now it's because of lag compensation. The game is a lot more fun when you ignore the chat. Well... which game isn't?
Oh yeah, I also turned 31. My significant other cooked me some dinner, which - to my great surprise - was fantastic. There was also a case, which contained 8 cans of Guinness and... well, I'm not feeling so good right now. Hehe!
The guild has sent me a whole ton of Cake on GW2, along with a Skritt pet, who is supposed to help me acquire more loot. He had already found a copper coin by the time he got stuffed in my mailbox. His name is Fernando, apparently. I bet he sports a fake French accent and dreams about his own hair salon.
There's also the "family" back in Germany. My old man contacting me for the first time since August. By email. "Sorry, I was really busy and stuff kept coming up." Yeah, I hate when so much stuff comes up, I just can't take five minutes to write a fucking email for the quarter of a fucking year! And my brother sent a little bday greeting on Facebook. "By the way, your grandmother has been in hospital for two weeks now." Oh really? Why? What's going on? If it wasn't for my birthday, you wouldn't have told me at all and now I know two weeks after? Gee, thanks! People always tell me they couldn't leave their country, their friends and families, move to a foreign place and all that. Trust me, if you had a family like mine, you'd die to be as far away as somehow possible!
Still no midlife crisis, I think. No grey hair so far, either. Still got all my teeth. The fact that I'm doing something I love for money and doing someone I love for the fun of it, as well as being able to spend 20something hours a day playing online games and kicking the ass of the younger generation, it's all stuff I always wanted to do. No time to sit back and wonder, "What have I done with my life? Where am I going?"
I'm still worried about every single bill, of course. Rent is due again in another month and right now I don't know when I'll get my next paid work order. The downside to self-employment. But everybody struggles these days.
I'll admit I'm spending more time accepting the less pleasant facts of life. Ageing. There's probably gonna be a point in life, where my reaction time will be slower than that of many younger gamers, where I'll end up losing a shootout I would have won when I was younger. Then again, I'll be more experienced, more patient, won't make as many mistakes. What a stupid thing to think about at my age! We should all be lucky like Patrick Stewart. He was born a disturbingly charismatic 50 year old. Really, he came out just like that and told bedtime stories to all the other babies in his soothing voice. And he just says like that. Forever. Amazing shit!
Hey, when I die, can we please put "I'll be back!" on the headstone? Yeah... that'd be great, thanks!
In other news, I may have ruined a friend's life. By accident. I mentioned Second Life and somehow I must have made it sound cool. It really isn't. Quick reminder:
It's the one game in this universe, which lets you spend real money to equip your avatar with a dragon vagina. With 38 states and functions. Or a canine dick. So Mr. Wolf here can follow his feral instincts when he comes across a hydrant. Because everybody loves peeing on things! And thanks to Second Life, we no longer need to leave the house to do so! Yaaaay! :P
Oh, speaking of stupid shit on the internet: You're probably familiar with stupid websites, which require you to post a birth date to "prove" you're 18. My fellow Germans have pushed this nonsense to a whole new level: If you want to watch videos rated 16+, such as gameplay footage, movie trailers and the like, most German websites now tell you to wait until 11pm. The video refuses to play any earlier than that.
But the Oscar of internet security definitely goes to Dell! If you order a PC on their official website, you have to tick a checkbox, which makes you promise that you are not going to use your new computer to plan a terrorist attack! Genius! I bet that's how they caught Bin Laden.
"Oops! Fuck!"
Oh...2nd Life. *raises eyebrow*