Montag, 23. Juli 2018
Agatha Knife And The Gaping Plot-Hole
I knew I wanted to play Agatha Knife the second I started watching the trailer. The game's main character loves animals, but she also loves meat. I can totally relate! Agatha lives in her mother's butcher shop, and she hangs our and plays with the animals there. She also kills them. The animals aren't massively keen on that part, though. Who woulda thunk?
So Agatha does what any reasonable person would do and creates Carnivorism, a religion, which teaches animals that dying in order to become meat will lead them to absolute and eternal happiness.
I actually kinda like how religion is depicted in this game. There's this elderly couple in a church, which spends a lot of money on candles made out of cheese, because that way the Time Lord will forgive them their sins and grant these oldiewonks eternal life (after death). Of course the Time Lord doesn't exist and that whole religion was made up by some guy with a failing cheese factory, who is finally turning a profit again, now that people believe that all of their sins will be forgiven if they purchase enough cheese. Everybody wins - the oldies have something to believe in, the cheese guy rakes in the cash, everyone is happy. The characters clearly state that all deities and religions are made up. It's a tool to control and manipulate people. Sure, that's rather cynical, but personally, I find it difficult to disagree.
The game repeatedly surprised me with how dark it is. There's this veterinary clinic in town, which houses the saddest, most miserable cats, dogs, lizards and ferrets you'll ever see. It's a depressing sight, but as Agatha remarks, "Oh well. The vet is going to make them all better." Yeah, about that...
Halfway through the game you learn that the vet has a deal with the local supermarkets and restaurants and he's actually selling off unwanted pets as meat. People take their animals to his clinic, ask for them to be fixed, then change their minds when they learn how expensive proper treatment would be and just abandon their animals. And let's be honest, people abandon their pets for much pettier reasons in real life, so this isn't exactly far-fetched.
What's worse, when you go and tell people that the local stores are selling dog meat, most people simply don't give a shit. "So what? It tastes alright and it's cheap." And is that really so surprising? Lots of people buy discount meat, which costs next to nothing. The animals are treated like absolute crap, stuffed with hormones and other garbage, but the meat is cheap, so what the hey. And sure, there was a certain amount of outrage when it turned out that lasagne sold by Findus actually contained horse meat instead of beef, but most people were really just angry about the deception, not the fact they're eating horse. That's still quite a step away from eating a cat or a dog in our culture, but if the price is right, I can see a certain amount of people being okay with it.
Then there's Agatha's best friend Nika, who sparks her creativity with the power of hard liquor, which is a bit of an unusual hobby for an elementary school kid. Nika's mother has basically lost all brain activity with the help of daytime reality TV. There's a widower, who turned his deceased wife into a stew and ate her with his now traumatized son. That's a subject, which comes up a lot in this game - why is it okay to eat a pig or a cow, but you're a horrible monster if you eat a dog or a person? It doesn't really give any answers, beyond Agatha's opinion that some animals are for eating and others are not. Not the most satisfying answer and that's okay. I'm not sure there is a good answer to this kind of question.
I really enjoyed playing this game. The writing is clever, the humour is dark, it's a fun, nice little snack to play on the sofa or on the go. Granted, many of the puzzles aren't challenging at all, there's waaaayyyyy too much fed-exing and padding involved and the two biggest puzzles are more annoying and stupid to figure out than they have any right to be. But I can forgive all that in a fun little budget game. What really bothered me, though, is this utterly stupid plot-hole.
Somewhere around the second half of the game, Agatha heads to the zoo, because there's a machine collecting dust there, which can turn animals into mincemeat, which would allow Agatha to make those 2000 hamburgers a day, which a local restaurant ordered from her butcher shop. Wanna know why the owner of the zoo no longer uses the machine? Because she invented another machine, which can CREATE ANY MEAL OUT OF THIN AIR! That's literally how they describe it. You just feed the machine a recipe and it will materialize the dish from random molecules in the air. Because science. And Agatha is all, "Okay, cool, can I have the mincemeat machine now?"
What in the ass?
Let me repeat this one more time: there's a machine, which creates food out of air! Without hurting or killing anyone! The entire game is about Agatha not wanting to scare her animals when she has to kill them for meat! The answer is RIGHT THERE and she just shrugs it off, goes through the ordeal of inventing a religion, literally drugging a pig and brainwashing it into agreeing to get butchered in front of all the other animals in some ritual, then turning every single one of her beloved animals into hamburgers.
With this machine she wouldn't have to do any of that, she could stop actual cats and dogs getting slaughtered for cheap meat AND she could also fix plothole #2: all the animals she turns into burgers at the end of the game are stolen and nobody seems to care.
You see, the animals for the big showdown ceremony all come from the farm where Agatha and her mother used to buy their critters for the butcher shop. Problem is, the butcher shop is no longer making money and they can't afford any more animals. So Agatha just goes to the farm, talks to the animals and coerces them to come to the butcher shop by their own volition. Because, you know, if I come to your house and make your dog follow me home, it's perfectly legal and there's nothing you can do to get it back. And sure, the game ends with their shop selling lots of hamburgers and paying off all their debt and nobody seems to mind that they've suddenly got a ton of meat while their former #1 supplier has lost every last one of their animals over night. Wonder how they would have explained that one, had they bothered to get into this at all.
I'm guessing there are about five other people who bought this game and nobody is ever gonna read any of this shit. But damn, this annoys me! Yeah, sure, maybe Agatha didn't want that magic wonder machine, because it would jeopardize her butcher shop and the entire industry. Or maybe she would have accepted that sacrifice for the sake of the animals she loves so much. Of course there's no way we'll ever know now, because in the actual game, she barely acknoledges that invention's existence. So we get to butcher a pig in front of a live audience of hundreds of animals, who all want to become meat in order to experience eternal happiness. Woo! :D
Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018
Yay Sonic! Fuck Octopath Traveler!
Ugh. I'm having one of those days again. You know, where the world and all the people in it just get on your nuts a bit too much. Starting with all those YouTube "celebrities", who now fart out Warframe videos around the clock, even though none of them actually ever played the game for more than five minutes. Warframe is completely burying Destiny 2 right now, TennoCon 2018 got people more hyped for the game than ever before, it's the 'golden age' of Warframe and its popularity is turning into a bit of a meme right now. So of course you get all the YouTube parasites milking the absolute fuck out of it.
There are a few decent videos out there. AngryJoe's TennoCon coverage is fun enough, especially since he doesn't pretend he's a die-hard fan, who is playing the game non-stop. SkillUp's TennoCon interviews are absolutely worth watching. And then you get a bunch of maggots without a single creative bone in their bodies, who just blatantly copy just about everything everyone else says in their videos, steal a bit of random gameplay from other YouTubers without asking for permission or giving credit, all for that sweet, sweet ad revenue for farting out a quick, lazy video praising a game they don't really know anything about, but heyho, it's trending and people are gonna click it.
You know, cunts like Cleanprincegaming, who stole several minutes of my Warframe gameplay straight from my channel, never asked my permission, didn't bother to give credit for ANY of the footage he's using in his shitty video and then go rake in that sweet, sweet cash from their 500k subscribers, you lazy, talentless bastard!
Or even lazier folks such as Downward Thrust, who crapped all over Warframe in one of his videos for clicks until people checked on his account and called him out on the fact that he barely played the game for five minutes. After TennoCon he went and made another video, explaining that he has played "over 50 hours across multiple accounts" (yeah, right), saying he was wrong and he actually enjoys the game now and "he cannot really explain why". I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Warframe is currently more popular than tits and YouTube is absolutely flooded with videos telling people why they need to play Warframe. And 90% of them just repeat the same thing and use other people's gameplay. I fucking hate YouTube.
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Speaking of things I fucking hate... |
The voice-acting, where present, is great. The music is phenomenal. I absolutely hate the visuals, though people are already begging for remakes of older Final Fantasy titles and Chrono Trigger, so apparently true beauty lies in the eye of the idiot who doesn't know any better. There's also no interesting story here, no surprise twists or any characters, who aren't absolute clichés of themselves. But if that and the weird visual style don't bother you and you want to experience all of the 8 stories in a single playthrough anyway, then you'll probably enjoy this one and that's okay. It's okay to be wrong. I forgive you.
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It gets worse. |
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Who wants some pork? |
And that's when Agatha learns about religion. A made-up deity and a set of rules to give people something to believe in and to help the inventor of said religion achieve personal gain. The game's wording, not mine. So Agatha goes and invents Carnivorism and teaches it to her animals, so they'll be okay with the whole getting butchered thing. It's a pretty dark, cynical little point & click adventure, which is exactly why I like it.
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And of course... |
Speaking of shooty stuff, Fortnite now has motion controls on the Switch. I absolutely hate Fortnite, but I also have moments where I absolutely love it, because I'm hanging out in the eye of the storm with the last five or so players. I don't think I'll ever really get into it, but it costs nothing, it looks and plays alright, I'm not gonna complain.
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Encore Mode is the best way to play Sonic Mania. |
Most importantly though - Encore Mode. Play two characters at a time, with one of them being controlled by the AI and you can switch back and forth between them at anytime. Get one of them killed and they'll instantly be replaced by one of the other three guys, if you've unlocked them in a fun new pinball minigame, which replaces the fucking awful blue spheres bonus stage. Stages get slightly altered colour-palettes, bonus stage rings have been moved, the 3D bonus stages are now a bit more challenging and run at a locked 60 FPS on Switch. To me it's easily the most satisfying way to play Sonic Mania. Of course things would be even more fun if Encore had "1.5 player coop" like Sonic & Tails mode, so I'm crossing all available fingers and toes this might get added in the future.
Still waiting for the release of Titan Quest on Switch. According to reviews, the console ports so far have been broken, buggy and surprisingly incomplete (apparently, the latest expansion is simply not present at all). Sooo... I'm trying to curb that enthusiasm a bit. But I've been craving a hack'n'slay title on the Switch for as long as I had one, so it's about damn time I'm getting one! I'll drag Claire into it for some jolly cooperation. Though, if all else fails, I'll just have to soro it. You know, like on Warframe.
Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018
Okay For an Hour - Warframe: The Sacrifice
Warframe's new story content skips all the padding, gets straight to the point and woooosh! It's over!
Plains of Eidolon drove me away from Warframe. A giant, majestic, sprawling landscape full of ore to dig out of rocks, fish to catch and other stupid resources to farm for days, weeks and months in order to get the most out of a feature I never cared for - Tenno powers. As in, peeling your annoying little space-child out of their warframe to fight the enemy without superpowers or protection, because reasons, I guess.
I farmed Eidolon for two or three days, then got too bored to continue. Look, I get it. Warframe is the grind. Without it, there's no game. It's just that I didn't care for the reward at the end of it this time around. Farming for a cool new gun, an awesome new Warframe, that shit is fun. Farming to get a new pea shooter for my space brat? And I need to catch fish and use a mining laser instead of murdering stuff? Fuck that shit.
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Like me, Eidolon is stunning to look at, but ultimately hollow and pointless. |
And then they finally released a new story quest. 'The Sacrifice'. To put it bluntly, it's a story the developers had to pull out of their asses to justify the introduction of 'Excalibur Umbra' to the western version of Warframe. This one may require a bit of explaining.
When Warframe was released in China, they offered a special edition of Warframe's posterboy Excalibur. That special version, dubbed Excalibur Umbra, was all black and edgy and came with a flowy scarf, so folks outside of China started wondering when they'd be able to get their hands on him. Originally, it was stated that Excalibur Umbra was really just slightly altered (visually) from regular Excalibur and there was nothing special about him apart from that.
Surprisingly, people in a game about edgy space ninjas still wanted a western release of this guy, so developer Digital Extremes said they didn't just want to throw him in there without explanation. Instead, they promised there would be a bit of lore to introduce him in a way that makes sense. Which is cool, of course, but that was also something they announced so many years ago, that the whole thing turned into a bit of a running gag.
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So edgy. |
As with previous content of this type, the presentation is absolutely superb, from tons of action-packed cutscenes to fantastic voice acting. Gameplay itself is more of what you'd expect from Warframe. Go someplace, kill some stuff, scan a few things, craft something. What's cool is how there are no artificial time sinks in place in order to encourage people to spend real money. You get to craft your own Excalibur Umbra as part of the storyline and there is no endless grind for resources required, no 24+ hours construction time for you to skip with real cash or any such nonsense. Just play, finish the story, get your free Excalibro all leveled up and with a sexy new katana to boot!
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Though my one true love will always be Rhino. |
I much prefer it this way. I'd rather spend an hour playing through fun new content, which is full to the brim with awesome cutscenes and story than spend three or four hours repeating copy-pasted missions where the villain of the month keeps blabbing about his latest project or whatever. That said, there were two (minor) annoyances during my playthrough. First of all, you can only fight Excalibur Umbra as the Tenno. As in, without your warframe. I have no idea how this plays out on a properly upgraded space-kid, but since I never got into Plains of Eidolon, my brat is grossly underleveled and Excalibro kicked the absolute shit out of me.
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I need my warframe to compensate for certain deficiencies. |
The other problem was that, as with all story quests right after release, the dark side and light side dialogue choices were all over the place. You defeat a main villain and according to the UI, the light side dialogue option is, "Squirm like the maggot you are!" Clearly there's something wrong here.
The whole light vs dark side thing has no known gameplay effect right now and knowing the developer, it's at least gonna take another 3-5 years before that changes. And there will certainly be a patch for this, if there wasn't one already. Still, it felt a little weird to have all the asshole options associated with light side points and all the kind answers with the dark side.
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I could really eat a Mars right now. |
There's also a new Onslaught mode, which is basically like playing Nephalem Rifts in Diablo 3. You quickly hop from one randomized environment with random enemies to the next and try to make it as far as you can until time runs out or you run out of respawns. It's a fun new way to farm so-called relics, which are required to obtain the powerful primed warframes and primed weapons.
It's my favourite way to play right now, because you really just fight your enemies, the clock and your old record as you try to progress further and further each time. No objectives, no consoles to hack, no NPCs to babysit, no bosses endlessly talking to you - just instant action. And sometimes that's just what I want.
If you want to know why people are leaving Destiny 2 in droves and feeling very little excitement for Anthem right now, you need to look no further than Warframe. Not only can you (realistically!) play the entire game without ever having to spend any money at all - you can earn LOADS of premium currency just by selling off unwanted gear and mods you find while playing the game. Yes, player trading is deliberately awkward, with a chaotic trade chat and shitty face-to-face bazaars, but I'd rather post a bunch of WTS messages and get my premium currency that way, than shell out $100 for some AAA title featuring season passes and paid cosmetic shit on top.
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Warframe is free, the content updates are free and you can earn tons of premium currency for free. |
And I'll be happy to play Warframe on Switch when it releases on there later this year. The folks at Panic Button are in charge of the port, so I have no doubt it will be a very blurry experience with (mostly) stable FPS and absolutely all of the content intact. Just like Doom and Wolfenstein 2. They also ported Rocket League, which is absolutely fantastic on Nintendo's hybrid and supports cross platform play. That's not really something we've ever seen in Warframe, but who knows? I certainly wouldn't mind having access to my original account and its progress when playing it on the go.
Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2018
Forza Motorsport 7, The Male Ego And My Descent Into Madness
For the past week or so, YouTube has been doing this weird thing where it keeps recommending videos of racing games. Probably because I clicked some E3 footage of Forza Horizon 4, which looks stupidly awesome. Then I saw some 4K footage of the PC version of Forza Motorsport 7. Fuck my life. Seeing as the standard edition of that game is currently selling for around $30 if you know where to shop, I figured, hey, why the hell not.
Damn. This game is the most stupidly beautiful title I've ever run on my PC. There's this argument going on about how visuals in games have stopped improving for a while now, because resolution can only go so high and at some point textures are simply "photorealistic" and you can't get much better from there, but I disagree. If you compare everyone's favourite car porno from 2015, Project Cars 2, to Forza Motorsport 7 just in terms of visuals, Forza looks quite a bit better. It's definitely not the fairest comparison and both games have different physics, handling and a different target audience, but I still remember how everyone on my Facebook, myself included, drooled over footage from Project Cars (2) and Forza looks even more incredible. Of course games don't automatically look better every year or two. Heck, The Crew 2 actually has been downgraded visually when compared to its predecessor, which is absolutely nuts.
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Also, fuck the soulless piece of junk that is The Crew 2. |
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You know, this. |
Okay, back then, photos, our tv signal, tvs themselves, our eyes, everything was much lower quality than it is today. But at the time, GP2 was the single-most realistic-looking racing game we had ever seen and it stayed that way for quite some time.
Yes, THIS up there! |
I'm only winning, because the AI drivers suck even harder than I do in that race. But I was happy, because I was still learning, I was successful enough and, while Forza isn't exactly a die-hard simulation, it's a bit more challenging than, say, Need for Speed. And it all ended when the game pointed out I was really just winning because of my AI settings. Long story short, Forza recommended changing AI skill to "above average". And that's when everything went to shit.
Up to this point, I did the best I could to actually race around the track in the exact way you're supposed to race, not taking any shortcuts through the grass or other weird shit, which would get you penalized or disqualified in any serious race. Because even on the higher difficulty settings, the AI is super fair and shows remarkable sportsmanship. They stay on track, they avoid contact, just good, clean racing displayed by all the bots around you. And I tried so hard to play along! Usually with one of two possible results: 1) I fail to take a turn properly, fly off track, crash into a stack of tires and end up so far behind the pack, I may as well just start over. Yes, if I win, it's either without rewinds or no win at all. Or 2) I try my best not to hit anybody, not to end up in a bed of gravel or a stack of tires and just stay stuck in the middle of the pack or worse, resulting in a very dull, frustrating racing experience. That's because I'm a noob, I'm not very good with the tracks or the driving physics right now, I have difficulty keeping up, I get fucked.
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Prague is one of my absolute favourite tracks. On a tangential note, excessive bloom can really fuck up a screenshot. |
Funnily enough, what annoys me the most is how the game lets me get away with this. So I end up winning one cup after another by being a ruthless, cheating cunt, while all the AI drivers around me are far more skilled and perfectly fair. So after every race I tell myself, alright, this time we're gonna be good, no more shortcuts, no ramming, no contact, let's pretend this is a serious race and win through superiour skill, not brute force.
Five minutes later...
Of course I could just set the AI back to 'average' and win without being a total jizzbag. Nobody will know, no one is gonna judge me, my dick won't fall off, even if it'll feel that way. There's no shame in lowering the difficulty. But I can't. I won't. I'll totally beat the above average drivers fair and square eventually, because I'm so totally good at racing!
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The Top Gear sticker makes my car 20% faster. Everybody knows this. |
I love this game. I'd love it hell of a lot more if I wasn't too stubborn to lower the stupid difficulty already. But picking any one of the game's 700+ cars, tricking the absolute shit out of it and racing some of the world's most expensive and powerful supercars is as ludicrous and stupid as it is satisfying and fun. The game is called Forza Motorsport 7, so I reckon that at this time, everyone who ever cared about this series is probably a bit tired of it now, while I'm only just starting to discover it. But hey, that's me. Maybe I'll start playing Overwatch by 2020!
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